7 Timeless Wedding Elements

Within the past few years, more and more couples are making the switch from colorful, pastel weddings, to more simple, elegant affairs with vintage flair. Why so? Simplicity and vintage elements convey class, poise, and taste - all of which brides hope for in their wedding.

As you plan the details of your day, consider incorporating some classic elements. Through our years of high-end wedding experience, we have curated these seven timeless wedding elements that are sure to help create a classic moment unique to your personality. 

1. Super 8 Video

In a digital world, many brides are opting for a more analog style of videography. Being film rather than digital, Super 8 naturally creates a timeless look with its grainy texture and its ability to capture natural color palettes without any post-production editing. Where digital video requires editing and thus may look more perfected, film captures and replicates the current moment and its natural lighting with the perfect amount of nostalgia and “imperfection”.

Super 8 and other methods of film videography also require time and skill, as there is a limited amount of shots they can take. Each shot is meaningful, so the quality of your video is more likely to be great. There is much more effort involved in both capturing the current moments, and taking time to develop the film. Because your film videographer is taking time to adequately capture every beautiful moment of your day, Super 8 video evokes lasting emotion for both your guests and distant friends alike. Those that weren’t able to make it will feel as if they are reminiscing those beautiful moments in the same way your guests will. Just as much as you want your loved ones to be captivated by the present moment of your day, you’ll want them to have footage that captivates as well.

2. White Florals

In past trends, vibrant and colored florals have been all the rage. While this is fun and eye-catching, some color trends go out of style. As you look back on your wedding in years to come, you want to remember the elements that withstood time rather than laugh at how out of style it is. White florals do just that - withstand time. They portray elegance and poise, and subtly demand the attention of your guests. They communicate class rather than make a loud statement. 

3. Historic Venues

More than a beautiful backdrop for your wedding, historic venues allow you and your guests to step out of the present moment and back into history. As you spend the day making a core lifetime memory, it’s hard not to think about all of the people over time who have been in the same space making memories of their own. Sharing your moment with a historic venue connects you and your guests with its history, as you and countless others before you have created beautiful memories there.

4. Film Photography

Similarly to Super 8 videography, film photography is a great way to preserve the cherishable moments of your wedding day. A film photographer has only a few shots to work with, meaning you won’t get as many back as with digital, but you’re almost guaranteed high quality.

Film photography is romantic. It’s intentional and focused, and captures its subject in gorgeous natural lighting with little-to-no editing. A film photographer is often able to grab candid moments and seal the emotion of the moment unfolding before them. With film, you will be able to look back into your wedding day and see yourself as your guests saw you. There is soul in film, and you can rest assured knowing it’ll never go out of style.

You also have the option of saving your negatives, which can be stored forever and printed when you want!

5. Black Tie Attire

Although it seems that a more casual attire is the current trend, many couples are choosing to have their guests dress up. This might seem bold or as if they’re asking a lot of their guests, but it helps cultivate an atmosphere of class. Black tie attire denotes a formal, traditional occasion, and ensures your guests arrive expectant of a classy evening. 

6. Live Band

With the musical flexibility and financial accessibility of DJs, live music has taken somewhat of a backburner in popular wedding trends. However, live music is a traditional element that is sophisticated and elegant, and will always bring energy and emotion. Live bands know how to flow with the atmosphere and mood of a room, and create a unique and memorable experience. 

7. Antique Car Exit

Your exit is the last detail you and your guests will experience and remember from your wedding, so you want it to be a fitting culmination to your day. As with every other detail, your exit should be unique to your personality. Antique cars are a great way to incorporate the traditional with a personal touch. They also make for exquisite backdrops and add a vintage touch to your venue.

As one of the most memorable days of your life, your wedding day is the perfect opportunity to showcase your personality as a couple. It should reflect who you are, as each detail shares a different part of your history.

Vintage elements add class and poise, elegance and romance to your wedding. The understated touch of vintage design can sometimes speak louder than elaborate elements. They’re a great way to nod at the past and express your own style without doing too much.

These are just a few ideas we came up with to help make planning your day easier. If you’re a bit further down the road or have experience with more traditional elements not included here, let us know what worked for you!

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